Middle School Courses » Middle School - World Languages

Middle School - World Languages

Foreign Language Exploratory - FLEX - Grade 6 (570006)
This nine-week foreign language introductory course investigates human languages and how they have developed to meet changing cultural needs. A rationale for studying foreign languages is explored along with career opportunities related to fluency in more than one language. Students will be introduced to the development of English and the influences (history, geography, and cultural) that contributed to the language we speak today. Families of languages will also be taught so that students will see how they are interrelated. Comparisons of words will help students prepare for exploring specific languages in 7th grade.
Foreign Language Exploratory - FLEX - Grade 7 (570007)
In this course the student will explore two or more of the following languages: Latin, German, Japanese, French, and Spanish. Students learn basic greetings, numbers, days, months, family, and other essential vocabulary, along with alphabetical and phonetic systems of these languages. Students also study the culture of countries in which each language is spoken, and the historical/geographical influences that shaped them.
Latin I (53100G)
Prerequisite: Earned an A or B in English 7

The course focuses on the primary elements of grammar, analysis and interpretation of syntax in a given sentence, and reading aloud with standard classical pronunciation and accent. Major geographical, mythological, and cultural derivative study begins. Students successfully completing this course will be awarded high school credit and the grade becomes a part of the high school Grade Point Average (GPA).
Spanish I (55100G)
Prerequisite: Earned an A or B in English 7, Earned a passing score on English 7 SOL

The course incorporates an understanding of words and expressions in varied contexts, the use of acceptable Spanish in daily classroom communications, association of written with spoken forms of the language, and written responses to questions and directed statements. The geography of Spanish-speaking countries and comparative lifestyles are also studied. Students successfully completing this course will be awarded high school credit and the grade becomes a part of the high school Grade Point Average (GPA).