IWCS Comprehensive Strategic Plan

The Isle of Wight County Schools’ Strategic Plan development process represents extensive stakeholder engagement by parents, students, teachers, support staff, administrators, and community members to collaborate on the plan’s co-authorship.    In the fall of 2021, members of the Strategic Plan Steering Committee, composed of  staff, students, parents, and community members, met four times to identify key areas of the strategic plan. The committee identified the following broad areas: Academic Excellence, Recruitment & Retention of Employees, Family Engagement, and Organizational Effectiveness & Efficiency. Workgroups, one for each of the areas, developed broad goal statements which serve to drive the focus of the plan. The workgroups, also consisting of parents, employees, students, and community members, generated performance objectives and strategies for each strategic plan focus area. 

A copy of the plan can be found below.

IWCS held two community forum events for public input:

  • Tuesday, April 5, 6:00—7:00pm, Smithfield High School
  • Wednesday, April 6, 6:00—7:00pm Windsor High School

Attendees worked in table groups to provide focused feedback through a guided activity.

Citizens were also able to provide feedback through an online survey. 

The Steering Committee convened April 25  and reviewed community feedback and recommended modifications. The plan was presented to the School Board on May 12, followed by a public hearing on the proposed plan (May 18  at 6pm at Westside Elementary), with adoption by the board at the June 9 meeting.