School Board Meeting: Location Change--Westside Elementary School Cafeteria

School Board Meeting: Location Change--Westside Elementary School Cafeteria
4/9/2020, 6:00 PM 8:00 PM
Westside Elementary School, 800 W Main St, Smithfield, VA 23430, USA

Agendas can be found at:

Isle of Wight County School Board will be holding their April 9 and May 14 meetings in the cafeteria at Westside Elementary School.  The meeting will be streamed live through the division's Facebook and YouTube page to allow for an audience while adhering to social distancing guidelines.  The meeting will not have an opportunity for in-person public comment.  However, anyone wishing to have remarks heard during the citizens comments section of the meeting can email their written comments to Tracey Reutt, Board Clerk, at [email protected].  Remarks are limited to five minutes per person.

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