IWCS Announces Mrs. Linda Henk as the 2016-2017 Teacher of the Year

Isle of Wight County Schools is proud to announce the 2016-2017 Teacher of Year is Linda Henk, a Kindergarten teacher at Hardy Elementary School.  Henk was surprised with the news on Wednesday and her students shared in the excitement. Making the announcement was Dr. Thornton, Superintendent, Heather Tuck, Assistant Superintendent, Shante Denson, Principal, and Colleen Loud, Assistant Principal. 

 Henk has been teaching for fourteen years, spending her last three years at Hardy Elementary where she teaches Kindergarten.  She believes her role as an educator is to help children become respectful, responsible and kind as they develop a love of learning.  She always sees the good in each child she works with.   She wants them to feel that school is a safe, loving place to grow and learn. Her goal is to make every student feel valued, because people never forget how someone made them feel.  Henk lives in Smithfield with her husband and three daughters.  She also serves a Girl Scout leader and a Sunday school teacher in her church.

To read information on the Teachers of the Year for each school, go to: