IWCS Student Yield and Subdivision Analysis

In March 2018, IWCS contracted with Cooperative Strategies to conduct a subdivision and student potential analysis. This analysis is the result of collection, review, and analysis of student demographics, migration, and housing information for IWCS. Over the past ten years, enrollment has fluctuated between a low of 5,439 in the 2007-08 school year up to a high of 5,579 in 2014-15. The need for student demographics and analysis stems mainly from new residential development which has the potential to yield a significant number of students. The County’s comprehensive plan is currently being updated. Through discussion with County planners, plans for development will not vary much from the current pace. Birth counts have also fluctuated between 300 and 384 births over the past ten years. More recently, birth counts have been increasing after a significant period of decline. As a result of the steadily increasing enrollment and new residential development on the horizon, the Division has a real need for a student potential analysis. With this analysis, IWCS will be better equipped to make decisions regarding future potential increases in enrollment.