Parents/Students » Parental Notification of Instructional Materials

Parental Notification of Instructional Materials

School Board policy IIA:  Instructional Materials outlines the selection and use of instructional materials and the parents right to inspect any instructional material used as part of their student's curriculum. 
In 2022, Virginia Governor Youngkin approved Senate Bill 656 which ensures parental notification of an instruction material containing sexually explicit content.  The Virginia Department of Education was charged with drafting a model policy and making that policy available to school boards. Policy IIA was revised by the School Board of Isle of Wight County to include language from the model policy.  The policy prohibits any sexually explicit content in grades PreK--8th, and ensures parental notification in grades 9-12 of any instructional material that includes sexually explicit content. Definitions of instructional material(s) and terms related to sexually explicit are included in policy IIA.  Nonexplicit instructional material and related academic activities are provided to any student whose parent requests that the student be provided with such instructional material and/or activities.
IWCS has developed lists of instructional materials that meet the definition of sexually explicit.  The lists can be accessed through the link below grades 9 through 12.  The documents will identify the title of the resource, the author, the format (print, video, webpage, etc.) and the course where the material is used.  
Teachers will provide written notice to parents at least 30 days prior to the use of any instructional material with sexually explicit content, that (a) specifically identifies the instructional materials with sexually explicit content, (b) informs parents of their right to review such instructional materials, and (c) informs parents of their right to
have their child use, upon request, in a non-punitive manner, alternative instructional materials that do not include sexually explicit content.

Parents may rescind their decision at ANY time by providing written notice to their child's school principal.

If a parent identifies any instructional material they believe should be on the list for sexually explicit material, they should complete the following form:  

Complaints about learning resources that fall outside of Policy IIA are addressed through Policy KLB Public Complaints about Learning Resources.