Forms and Information

New Hire Forms

As a new employee with Isle of Wight County Schools you will be required to complete the forms below. In addition, all school employees are required to complete a background check. Fingerprinting is conducted onsite by appointment. Individuals must report to the Isle of Wight County Schools Human Resources Office with a Money Order or Certified Check in the amount of $37.00 payable to Isle of Wight County Schools.
Background Checks
All school employees are required to complete a background check. IWCS processes background check with the Virginia State Police and Virginia Department of Social Services. Fingerprinting is conducted with a Human Resources representative in IWCS's Central Office by appointment. Background checks are a condition of employment and are paid by the new hire. Payment can be submitted electronically here or individuals may make payment in-person with a Money Order or Certified Check in the amount of $37.00 payable to Isle of Wight County Schools.
ID Badge Procedures
Teacher Licensure Forms
Family Medical Leave Forms